Oral Presentations
Sharp Color Graphene Monitors
Our Institute Member Ozan Arı PhD. submitted a grant numbered 124F222 and numbered 124F222 to TUBITAK within the scope of “3501-Career Development Program” “Optical Quantum The Project titled “New Approaches in Random Number Generation” was entitled to be supported after the evaluation process was completed.

Our faculty member Dr. Ozan Arı's project titled “New Approaches in Optical Quantum Random Number Generation” with the number 124F222, which was submitted to TUBITAK within the scope of “3501-Career Development Program”, was entitled to be supported after the evaluation process was completed.

Within the scope of the project, high-speed and innovative quantum random number generation methods will be investigated by creating photonic qubit systems with non-linear processes.

For information and application to conduct research in this and other projects: