Sharp Color Graphene Monitors
Urine FTIR Spectroscopy

   Prof. Haluk Utku


Nuclear Engineering is an interdisciplinary field of science that covers basic and applied sciences. Medical physics, which includes the applications of physics in the field of health, has been a field of study that is focused on nuclear engineering with its applied physics aspect. Similar to my studies in imaging and pattern recognition, there are applications in stereotactic radiotherapy or radiosurgery. Our study, which includes x-ray treatment of small tumor regions with early diagnosis in the treatment of cancer patients with accelerators in our daily life, are studies that care that patients receive the radiation dose in accordance with the standards.

In terms of its historical development, ionizing radiation has caused the emergence of medical physics as a science field, but the intensive use of lasers in the field of health in recent years has brought scientific activities aimed at the effective use of radiation that does not cause ionization in diagnosis and treatment. Studies in this direction require the contribution of physicians as well as experts in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology. In terms of physical science, photodynamic therapy is one of the areas that require laser application after nanoparticles attach to the tumor area. Research on techniques and methods to increase the formation of oxidation that causes tumor destruction is my field of study.

I can summarize my research areas under the following headings:

  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Image analysis and Pattern recognition
  • Medical physics



   Reseacher: Prof. Mehmet Emre Taşgın


Nanoparticles bring many new-generation technologies to life, from cancer therapy and biosensors to ultra-resolution optical microscopes. All of these technologies are based on the ability of nanoparticles to focus light on hot-spots of nm-size. Quantum plasmonics, on the other hand, makes these systems work thousands of times better by using quantum technologies (phenomena).

Our group's work has focused on the ability to control the optical properties of nanoparticles with quantum-bodies. This check, for example, allowed us to show the world's first "tunable" nuclear detector. Similarly, optical microscopes operating with 1 nm resolution (previously 10 nm) have been demonstrated by our group. Quantum plasmonic can make the charges of some portable devices last 10 times longer. These studies are supported by experimental projects thanks to our collaborations. In addition, our group acquires new methods for detecting the quantum-entanglement that forms the basis of quantum technologies, and conducts fundamental research on the propagation of light.





   Researcher: Associate Prof. Tunay Tansel


Current research is in the field of imaging or sensor systems (detectors). In today's applications in microelectromechanical (MEMS) - or nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) - systems, silicon has been mostly used due to its low cost and superior properties.

The goal to be achieved is to create a low-cost detector alternative to be used in national defense, clean energy, health and communication technologies applications that work with high quantum efficiency and detectivity at high temperatures in the visible region, near, medium and long infrared band, thanks to the new generation black silicon photodetectors.






   Researcher: Associate Prof.  Neslihan Sarıgül


Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and FTIR microscopic imaging, which are one of the vibration spectroscopy applications, have recently been tested in many disease analysis studies. There are promising studies on the use of blood and urine markers as a potential diagnostic tool in many different forms of kidney diseases. Infrared analyzes of kidney stone components and cystine stones are currently used clinically. In parallel with the technological developments in spectrometer components, as well as the developments in software and mathematical techniques, this spectroscopic method has been applied as a differential diagnosis method for many diseases such as gastrointestinal, cervical and prostate cancers.
Our studies in this area started with simulating urine and showing it in the FTIR spectrum, and the variation between the urine spectra of healthy pre-pubertal and adult individuals was demonstrated using statistical methods. Thanks to collaborations with Atılım University Biophysics Research Laboratory, Ankara Training and Research Hospital Pediatric Nephrology, Trakya University Nephrology and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry units, the potential of using FTIR method in the urinary diagnosis and/or follow-up of cases such as autism, hematuria, proteinuria, and lipiduria is being investigated.



   Resarcher : Dr. Eng. Nurhak Tatar


Proportionally, the most abundant protein in the blood is Human serum albumin. It performs many physiological functions such as regulating the osmotic pressure of the blood, transport, distribution and metabolism of numerous endogenous and exogenous substances such as bile acids, bilirubin, long chain fatty acids, amino acids, steroids, metal ions and drugs. It is used for treatment in cases of excessive blood loss, kidney disease and protein losses and is one of the basic blood-derived products. Separating such an important molecule is important for the research of other blood products that will play an active role in curing many diseases and for many other treatments. Our study is carried out with Hacettepe University Biochemistry Research Group, and magnetic silica particles have been tried and successful for albumin separation.